Spencer Byers

I am a 2nd year Neuroscience PhD student at Boston University in the Graduate Program for Neuroscience (GPN), advised by Ian Davison in the Olfactory Signal Processing Laboratory. I am interested in chemosensory processing, especially rodent pheromonal communication in the context of social interacitons.

I received my BA in Neuroscience and Molecular Biology from Kenyon college.


24 Cummington Mall

Boston, MA, 02215




  • Spencer Byers, Ingrid P. Buchler, Michael DePasquale, Helen L. Rowley, Rajiv S. Kulkarni, Lucy Pinder, Anna Kolobova, Cailian Li, Vinh Au, Daniel Akuma, Gongliang Zhang, Huijun Wei, Sharon C. Cheetham, James C. Barrow, Gregory V. Carr "Novel, non-nitrocatechol COMT inhibitors modulate dopamine neurotransmission in the frontal cortex and improve cognitive flexibility". In 2019 bioRxiv, Jan. 2019.